
Family Programs

Providing support for the spiritual, familial, and financial well-being of all families. For more information or to volunteer CLICK HERE.


Consecration to the Holy Family 

Through this prayer card event, we invite the families of the St. Paul Parish to consecrate themselves to the Holy Family.

WHEN & WHERE: As Announced  |  St. Paul Narthex

Knight of the Month / Year

Each month, our council honors a Brother Knight who has given exemplary service to our Parish through his volunteer and stewardship activities. At the end of the year, a Knight is honored with the Knight of the Year award based on his service throughout the year.

WHEN & WHERE: Monthly / Annually  |  Council Meetings

Family of the Month / Year

Each month, our council honors a St. Paul family that has shown exemplary support and stewardship for our Parish. At the end of the year, the St. Paul Family of the Year is selected – this family is named during announcements at Sunday Mass.

WHEN & WHERE: Monthly / Annually  |  Council Meetings / Sunday Mass

Family Dedicated Mass

A Mass dedicated to – and for the blessing of – the families of St. Paul.

WHEN & WHERE: As Announced  |  St. Paul Sanctuary

St. Paul Food Pantry Support

Our Council supports the St. Paul Food Pantry in many ways, including collection of cans and other packaged food after Masses, stocking the pantry and with other activities.

WHEN & WHERE: Ongoing and As Announced

New & Upcoming Family Programs

Several programs are under development or in consideration by our Council: Family Week Stewardship Program, Food Backpack Program for Children, St. Paul Food Pantry Support, Food for Holiday Meals, and others. If you’re interested or would like to be involved in these activities, click the link below.

WHEN & WHERE: As Announced  |  St. Paul Sanctuary

To volunteer, or to learn more about an activity, CLICK HERE.